Classify google app store user reviews with large language model (distilbert)


  • Quickly respond to dissatisfied user reviews, potentially extract application problems to improve user experience.

Solution steps:

  1. We begin with the data, and find relevant review datasets for our use case.
  2. Train (or fine-tune) a machine learning model on the data to analyze reviews for us.
  3. Use the model to filter reviews quickly and help us respond quickly to dissatisfied reviews.
  4. Potentially extract user feedback insights to help us improve our app. (that’s out of the scope of this notebook, to be implemented later)

Read more: App User Feedback Analysis (Sentiment Analysis)

Diabetes Classification using SVM, Logistic Regression and KNN


  • Predict wither a patient has diabetes from diagnostics measures.

Solution steps:

  1. We begin with the provided dataset link.
  2. Explore the dataset.
  3. Preprocessing and feature engineering.
  4. Train a machine learning model.
  5. Analyze results and look for improvements.

Read more: Predict the onset of diabetes based on diagnostic measures

Seoul Bike Rental (Data Analysis)


  • Predict the total count of bike rentals in a given hour (or day).

Solution steps:

  1. We begin with the provided dataset link.
  2. Exploratory data analysis.
  3. Feature selection.

Read more: Seoul Bike Rental Exploratory Data Analysis

Chatbot to handle customer services


  • Automate customer service to handle the growing customer base.

Solution steps:

  1. Customers intent pattern data exploration.
  2. Modeling.
  3. Build a chatbot module.
  4. Analysis and further improvements.

Read more: Minimal Sales Chatbot